Friday, March 27, 2009

tis the weekend b4 the stork....

Lucky Me! We got another invite to leave town and it took me all of .2 seconds to drool like a pup and say yes. Short of the iphone, I will have no internet & the iphone is very sketchy for internet access there. So if anyone happens to spot a white stork, carrying a very heavy bag....CALL ME or send me an email so I get it on my phone, most of you have the number.
I'm positive nothing will go down till next week, but I'd like to cover all my bases just in case. This Mama doesn't want to miss the opportunity to see it all play out. Leaving town will be a great distraction from the obvious....& I'm not even sure that'll do the trick. I am certainly not the person to wish this time away, but I'm having a real hard time concentrating on anything else. We still have a life to live & I hope to do that to the fullest this weekend.
I'm thinking cornhole & cocktails are in order....
(that's G rated, right?)


Kim said...

HAVE FUN.. try to relax.. yea right.. like that is easy..
Have a great weekend..

Lindsay said...

Have a lovely weekend - next weekend the boys will know the face of their sister. Wonderful.

Robin said...

Hope you have a great weekend!

Half Gaelic, Half Garlic! said...

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

I saw your comment on the be honest, when I posted it, I instantly thought of you, because I know your love for P@ndora and assumed you were a silver fan!! As for the picture......I am guessing you might be taking pics with a flash, I set the jewels on my dining room table near the window and just used the natural light so I wouldn't need to turn on the flash!

Okay....that was rather lengthy, sorry to hijack your comments....go have fun:)


Pug Mama said...

It will remain "G" rated as long as you don't take the "corn" and "Tails" out of that last sentence.
have fun!

Our Journey to Jadyn Nicole said...

Love the new look! Have fun on your trip. Next week will bring great news....I just feel it.

Sofie said...

You have to live a life for three years waiting - but do you have to live that life these last few days up to referral??? It is so HARD! Going out of town is a smart move. I spent all my time on the phone with the orange stork. I still remember the 1.800 number. I don't recommend that. I went nuts and we had several false alarms. Out of town is a much better plan.

The Carmodys said...

Great new blog site! I love it. Enjoy your time away!


3 Peanuts said...

Hope you are having a GREAT weekend...cannot wait til that stork lands on your doorstep!

Dana said...

Love the new blog.....Can't wait to see her face!