Monday, October 5, 2009

Hanging out in the gulf...the water is PeR~~FeCt!

I'm hoping to will some fall weather this way, I have completely fallerized our home and I even found a spunky little possum playing in my bails of hay this morning when I woke up at 5:00AM to head out for the gym, not what I was hoping to see as I stepped out the door.
Eme had her evaluation check this morning and she is completely up to par on all areas, borderline up to par on a few, so we are going ahead with a more thorough evaluation later this month to determine if she will need any therapy.
On June 10, my daughter was diagnosed as 'failure to thrive', we opted to not rock her world anymore with doctor visits and therapies and decided to give her the time that she needed to catch up and then have her evaluated after the kids all returned to school. I knew my girl would catch up and with a little bit of time she has. I still have a few concerns with her balance and coordination, so that is why we are going ahead with the more in depth eval. She might be a natural born clutz, or there could be something more to it. Currently the only graceful thing about her is her middle name!


Kim said...

I am with you on the fall weather..
I have my windows open still and it is 10 am.. but they will be closing soon..
I LOVE the photos..
I love how you put these little helpful hints in about Emerson's attachment... I will need help when it is my turn..
Thank you ..
Have a great week...

4D said...

I wish my Fall involved swimming in the Gulf...enjoy!

She is amazing and with you guys behind her, there is nothing she won't be able to do!

Keep smilin!

Suzie said...

I love the hot weather here in FL but after last week's tease of temps in the 70's, I'm ready for more!!!

Glad to hear that Eme is doing so well. With a family that loves her so much how could she not!!!!

Kramer said...

I know we only see half of what is going on but Eme seems to be growing and doing so much over the last few months. I know that is because she has such a wonderful family!
We are working on all the attachment issues here and trying to get everyone to understand the need for us to bond!
The weather today up here in KY is sure the beautifl fall weather, unlike the heat in China and your way. I wish I could send some of it to you.
Thanks for always sharing so much as it is helping me look closer at everything going on here!

Lisa (Briana's Mom) said...

Wish I could have gotten to a beach over the summer. Looks so beautiful.

Sounds like Eme is doing wonderfully. I'm the mama of a natural-born clutz. I just had to comfort Bri because she fell off of a chair not more than two minutes ago. Sigh...

EJ said...

Isn't it amazing what love can do!! It can move mountains! It has been so wonderful watching Eme blossom and flourish in your love through your posts and the pictures speak volumes. Continue to enjoy your family!!

kitchu said...

i'm glad overall she is doing so well and pray there is nothing serious wrong with her balance. if it makes you feel any better, i was a total clutz like that at her age :O)

she looks amazing and just seems to be thriving but i totally understand your worry~!

laurie said...

E is the picture of thriving! I love that she wears her "bling" to the beach. Could W be any cuter?? I'd trade some of my Wisconsin fifties for that FL fall about now.

shelley said...

Love the bling with the bathing suit. That girl has some style!!

Colleen said...

You have hay? I don't even have hay here yet! LOL... Maybe next weekend. I'd rather be in the gulf waters.... just sayin.

Dude H still walks into stuff, stumbles over her own feet.... I am sure things will be fine with E, but good that you are doing what you are. She's so freakin CUTE!!!

Marla said...

I'd never get anything done if I lived there, seriously.

Glad to hear E is catching up, it does take some time and lots of love. I've got a clutzy one here, so I'll pray that's all it is with Miss E, who is so stinking adorable, by the way!

Y'all take care!

Wanda said...

We are back from China with our 2nd daughter since Aug 23rd. We also had a rough beginning but our little one is improving everyday.

Balance and co-ordination is a concern. Our daughter was 21 months and hardly walking. The clinic and her doctor doesn't seem to think anything is wrong, so I'm just going to keep my eye on it for while. I'm interested to know more about the therapy you may be trying. (You can e-mail me privately if you'd like. I'd appreciate the exchange. Thank you.)

Eme is just adorable and is thriving in your family. I'll be following along to see her progress.

Happy fall!

Kristy said...

T could you please give me the name of the attachment and bonding book that you are going by? My husband and I would love to read it and I cant find it on your blog and I know it is there. Thank you

Love , Kristy

a Tonggu Momma said...

We, too, fought off a failure to thrive diagnosis our first nine months home. Our Tongginator is five now and in kindergarten, doing wonderfully. She does have sensory issues, so her issues when deeper than just being a natural-born klutz, but SPD/ SID isn't always the reason for a lack of motor coordination. Sounds like Eme is catching up beautifully!

Catherine said...

Oh t! What a precious, amazing gift it must have been to hear how well your little Eme is doing! You followed your mommy's instinct and did what your heart told you and it was just what she needed. Praying her balance is just taking a little longer to settle in and that it's not something more serious.