Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Some rules are meant to be broken.

My son G, the eternal rule follower, will have his first golf tournament today.

He has presented me with the list of do's & don'ts no less than 5 times. He is terrified that I am going to show up with a foam finger, my face painted & dragging a cooler behind me while wearing a tank top. I do think the cooler on wheels is a smashing idea. It would have a dual purposes & provide seating, while keeping my thirst at bay.
I do believe a MAN invented the sport. What woman would invent a sport where everyone has to sit in utter silence. I've never done anything in my life that demanded there be no noise pollution. I think it's the Dad's way of saying, "Hey, me and the guys are going golfing for 6 HOURS, so you'll have to keep the kids."
I think golf is boring. I think it needs livened up. I think you should be able to let out a big holler. They say it's a sport after all, but why does it seem to be more like going to the library?
Oh, I was also informed that I could not text, check email or nothing on my iphone. I wasn't even allowed to look at my phone??? That hardly sounds fair. I get the whole no ringing or talking, but texting....? that doesn't make any noise & provides a slight bit of entertainment for the long walk.
So I might not paint my face....but he didn't say anything about a cow bell.....


Julia said...

According to the one really loud guy that shows up at all PGA tournaments, as soon as they swing, you can scream out "GET IN THE HOLE!". Then repeat this after every single swing. Actually did your son give you any rules about yelling out "Go Tiger!" ;-)

Good luck to him today!

Leanne said...

Hilarious ! Thanks for another great post. Just got home from working a long night and I needed a good chuckle. Great visuals.Good Luck to G on his first tournament. I am sure you will make him proud.

~ Alison said...

LoL - why would he even think u'd do such things?!

I heard they did well, won both matches.

Let us know how the cowbell went over . . .

Sandra said...

You are too funny. Speaking of texting, I just joined the world of text messages. Where have I been?? I've obviously missed out :-0

Sue said...

Oh - I was sooo one of "those" moms. I had my bag of "mom" cheerleader Paraphernalia that went to every sporting event. I did "misplace" it once - I really do not remember burying it underneath a bunch of junk in my son's closet. Enjoy the fun times with your kids - they are memories that last a lifetime. Hoping to see TA coming very soon to all the waiting families.

Diana said...

That is so FUNNY!!!
and I could agree more on a man inventing it.

Diana said...

PS..Just once would you not like to see Tiger Woods hit the ball through the windmill and under the drawbridge for birdie:)

C's Mom said...

Takes me back to my days of midnight golf with a keg on the cart....oh, the fun.

Good luck..perhaps pre-treat that foam finger with your beverage of choice ;0)

Special K said...

WTH? No texting? Are you kidding me? I agree with the cooler on wheels. If you're going to be bored out of your minds you might as well enjoy a cocktail. LOL!

Dawn and Dale said...

Hehehehehe......... toooooo funny!!!

Donna said...

I think you should bring a megaphone so you can give him tips about posture and remind him to concentrate.


Our Blog: Double Happiness!

Kayce said...

lol! Reminds me of Jake when he's doing basketball or volleyball...don't do ANYTHING mom!!! Uhhhh okay?!

Kim said...

You crack me up.. but I totally understand.. I would be pulling my hair out..
Have fun..
I would like to hear a video of the cow bell...LOL..

Heza Hekele said...

That's hilarious!

My son has asked me several times this year if he can learn how to golf...this boggles me as I have never golfed and no one in our circle golfs. He also wants to go fishing...another think I've never done! And to keep me on my toes, he hates soccer...which I didn't know was even possible!

I have a feeling I will be walking in your shoes in about ten years. Thanks for the cowbell idea...I'm sure I have one lying around somewhere...

Catherine said...

Ooooo...don't forget your huge, rainbow afro wig! Those things are always so subtle! Did he say anything about 'no signs'? Ya know those ones on florescent orange bristol board that say, 'I love G'

Have fun mamma!

Middle-Aged Moi said...

Perhaps C or W should take up hockey? Now THAT'S a sport you can be loud in....:-)

Debbie said...

Thanks for the laugh!! That is too funny!!! I remember a track meet that Amanda had and I was in the stands cheering her on to run and she stopped on the track and said "Be QUIET and don't tell me what to do!!!!!" There are times when we must do what we must!! Bring on the cow bell!!!

Robin said...

Love this post. I too think golf is the most boring sport. Wack the ball and then go chase it. Seriously?!

I nearly peed my pants when you said cowbell! I can see you now.. ringing that cowbell with your hand up in the air yelling.. Woo Woo Woo (like julia roberts did in pretty woman at the horse races)

3 Peanuts said...

Oh T you CRACk me up!